City-states Books

  • All About: Mesopotamia
    An informative book about the empires and city-states of Mesopotamia, their rise and fall, and their contributions to civilization.
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  • A Day With The Sumerian
    This is an fun book of information about the Sumer this is the best book of information.
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  • The Land Between Two Rivers
    Abram, a resident of the Mesopotamian city-state Sumer, describes its fertile soil, system of writing, trade, and diverse occupations.
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  • The Mayan Civilazation
    Chapter 1: Geography and Early Foundations - The Mayan civilization's geography, city-states, agriculture, and social structure. Chapter 2: The Golden Age and Achievements - …
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  • The Greeks
    An overview of Ancient Greece, including its history, government, culture, and influence on the world.
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  • An overview of Ancient Greece, including its civilization, colonies, city-states, roles of men, women, boys, and girls, and its natural resources and trade.
  • The City-States in Mesopotamia
    This story provides an overview of the city-states in Mesopotamia, their names, significance, and contributions to civilization.
  • Ancient Greece
    An informative book about ancient Greece, covering its geography, cities, wars, gods, philosophers, art, math, medicine, literature, Olympics, and legacy.
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