Classroom Instruction Books

  • Technology Projects
    The book discusses the importance of integrating technology in education and provides examples of how students from different grades used various digital tools to create proj…
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    A guide for teachers and parents on differentiated instruction, assessment, and classroom management strategies.
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  • Things My Teacher Says All the Time
    A classroom of students receives instructions from their teacher, Miss Lopez, and shares some of her common phrases.
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  • Read Aloud Activity Book 2nd Grade
    A collection of short reading exercises covering vocabulary, greetings, classroom instructions, and counting.
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  • My Beebot Journey!
    Beebots are colorful bees that help children learn math, science, and more. They have wheels and arrows to move and follow instructions. The story describes how Beebots can b…
  • Dyslexia
    An informative book about dyslexia, its definition, causes, effects, and impact on individuals. It emphasizes that dyslexia is a learning disability but doesn't hinder intell…
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  • Peter and The Beautiful Bird
    On a field trip, Peter helps a tired eastern bluebird by finding water. The story emphasizes kindness and teamwork.
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  • Amanda's Growth Portfolio
    This book is a comprehensive guide for teachers, discussing various teaching strategies such as the Learning Continuum, Differentiated Instruction, Inquiry Based Learning, Pr…
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