for all the work you put into this on your summer
vacation. A big thanks to your parents as well!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

As educators, we need to realize that we are living in a digital age. A lot
of our students now have smart phones, home computers with Internet
access, iPods and iPads, Kindles, and much more. Some of them even
know how to use these tools better than we do; which is a good thing
considering that they will need these digital skills to function and compete
for jobs in the future.
But are WE preparing them for the future they will live in? How much of
your classroom instruction allows students to play with and learn about all
of the digital technologies out there? How often do you allow them to
demonstrate their understanding through digital projects or Internet based
research? As educators, we need to come to the realization that if we are
not allowing students to use technology REGULARLY in our classrooms, we
are not preparing students to be successful in an ever changing digital
world. In this book, I will show you a few ways that students
grades 1 to 5 used technology to create and express their learning.

For this project, I selected four students from grades
1,3,4, and 5. I then met with them one on one to explain
what we were going to do, and to demonstrate the programs
they were going to be using. I always showed them the
examples that I had created first, and then explained my
purpose for creating them.
After walking them through the process of creating the
product, I sat next to them and let them play. I didn't
intervene unless they had a question- one of which was, "Are
you going to fail your class if I do this wrong?" I laughed out
loud at that one.
The first and third graders needed a little more assistance
than the older kids, but mostly just with spelling. Other than
that, they all caught on really quickly and were very creative
with their projects.

How could your teacher let you use this to show
what you have learned in class?

Blair, 1st Grade
Blair used Voki.com to create an avatar who could talk. She got to choose
everything for the Avatar, including: hair, eyes, lips, clothes, background,
voice, etc. Here are some quotes from Blair during and after using this
"This is fun!"
"Hmmm, what should I have her say? I could teach someone about
"This is so easy."
"My teacher could let us use this to tell someone about something
we learned."

Bo, 3rd Grade
Bo used a comic strip maker to create a comic that would use words to share
information. He got to choose everything for the comic strip including:
characters, background, props, and the information he wanted to write about.
Here are some quotes from Bo during and after using this program:
"I love this program! Can I get on it at home?"
"This is easy because all you have to do is click on the people and
stuff that you want and then type in your words."
"We should use this in our classroom because we can type writing
and teach others about things in a fun way."

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for all the work you put into this on your summer
vacation. A big thanks to your parents as well!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

As educators, we need to realize that we are living in a digital age. A lot
of our students now have smart phones, home computers with Internet
access, iPods and iPads, Kindles, and much more. Some of them even
know how to use these tools better than we do; which is a good thing
considering that they will need these digital skills to function and compete
for jobs in the future.
But are WE preparing them for the future they will live in? How much of
your classroom instruction allows students to play with and learn about all
of the digital technologies out there? How often do you allow them to
demonstrate their understanding through digital projects or Internet based
research? As educators, we need to come to the realization that if we are
not allowing students to use technology REGULARLY in our classrooms, we
are not preparing students to be successful in an ever changing digital
world. In this book, I will show you a few ways that students
grades 1 to 5 used technology to create and express their learning.

For this project, I selected four students from grades
1,3,4, and 5. I then met with them one on one to explain
what we were going to do, and to demonstrate the programs
they were going to be using. I always showed them the
examples that I had created first, and then explained my
purpose for creating them.
After walking them through the process of creating the
product, I sat next to them and let them play. I didn't
intervene unless they had a question- one of which was, "Are
you going to fail your class if I do this wrong?" I laughed out
loud at that one.
The first and third graders needed a little more assistance
than the older kids, but mostly just with spelling. Other than
that, they all caught on really quickly and were very creative
with their projects.
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