Digital Skills Books

  • Portfolios With a Purpose
    A description of a summer technology boot camp for 5th and 6th graders at St. Regis Academy, where students learn digital skills and create portfolios.
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    This project aims to teach beginner level students new English words while having fun and developing their digital skills. It involves collaboration with students from differ…
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  • Minecraft vs Roblox
    Compare everything from creativity to kid-friendliness in these two popular building games.Our advice? Given the Wild West nature of both of these games, consider sitting wi…
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  • Minecraft
    The boy Air goes on an adventure through a magical portal that transports him into different worlds.
    On his journey he discovers that he has enemies and friends but this…
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  • Technology Projects
    The book discusses the importance of integrating technology in education and provides examples of how students from different grades used various digital tools to create proj…
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    This book is about digital literacy, digital and intellectual rights, digital security and data protection, digital law and netiquette. It covers various topics related to th…
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  • Digital Technoloy Skill Showcase
    An introduction to the digital learning tool Storyjumper, including its cost, ease of use, networking features, and reliability. The story also provides a learning scenario f…
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  • Let your imagination and creativity
    A project is established to promote students' creativity, innovation, teamwork, and learning of different cultures and arts through origami. The project aims to develop posit…
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