Climate Control Books

  • car engineer
    A brief overview of car engineering, including the importance of automotive electronics, vehicle dynamics, and climate control.
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  • All About Flying Fox Bats
    This informative book provides facts about flying fox bats, including their habitat, diet, size, sleep habits, and environmental benefits.
  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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    Population growth and climate change are discussed as environmental problems. Solutions such as birth control, education, and reducing fossil fuel usage are proposed. The sto…
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  • Exploring Mars
    In this book, we look at the complete history of missions to Mars. beginning in 1960 and continuing through the present day (June 2019). We also look at planned and possible …
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    This story is an informative piece about climate change, its effects on the environment, and how humans can help mitigate these effects. It personifies Climate Change as a ch…
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  • Global Warming
    This story discusses global warming, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, consequences of global warming, climate change, carbon footprint, erosion and desertification, acid …
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  • Canada & USA for Kids
    A brief overview of Canada and the United States, including their climates, physical features, populations, religions, transportation, and glossary.
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