Co-ops Books

  • The Electric Trail
    Chloe and Cameron go on a school hike, get lost, find an abandoned cabin with a magical TV, learn about co-ops, and find their way back to their group.
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  • Debeaked
    This story compares growing up on a turkey farm and later being a school principal. It's a good reminder about how we should treat others.
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  • Captain Co-op, the New Assistant, & the Tornado
    Captain Co-op and his assistant, Volt the electric eel, work at a cooperative that provides electricity and community services. They face a tornado and help with storm damage.
  • Co-ops Save The Day
    Erica rushes to school with her mom, encounters a power outage, and learns about cooperatives. She makes cards for the linemen who fix the power.
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  • A Nice Clean Coop
    Loretta Hen is let out of the coop by Farmer Bob, but gets upset when he cleans it. They both end their day happily.
  • Phoenix And The Town Power Outage
    Agent Phoenix and a team of linemen work together to fix a power outage in town caused by frozen power lines.
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  • Locked in the Coop
    Farmer Bob gets trapped in Loretta Hen's coop but manages to escape with Loretta's help.
  • A Rainy Day
    Loretta Hen and Farmer Bob face a challenge when it starts raining, but they find a solution and safely get Loretta to her coop.
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