Cockroaches Books

  • Carlos the Cockroach
    Carlos, a Madagascar hissing cockroach, shares interesting facts about himself and other insects, dispelling misconceptions and encouraging understanding.
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    In a post-apocalyptic world, cockroaches and mice thrive after humans destroy the environment. The story emphasizes the importance of environmental care.
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  • I bet you didn't know this! (Animals)
    A collection of interesting facts about animals, including pigeons' math skills, headless cockroaches, glowing sharks, penguins burying their dead, butterflies' eyes, and lio…
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  • Max the Superhero Dog TOME I
    Max, a dog, and Looker, a parrot, find superpowers and defeat the evil Chameleon King with an army of cockroaches.
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  • Insect Question and Answer Book
    A series of questions and answers about insects, including why caterpillars eat their skin when they molt and how crickets chirp.
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  • There's an Ant in My Soup!
    An funny way to learn about bugs, food, and the alphabet! Some poor unfortunate person is at a restaurant ordering food after food, finding a different insect that correspon…
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  • How can fear monster fight against his fears?
    Jamie, a fearful monster, overcomes his fear of insects by reading books about bees, spiders, and cockroaches.
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  • All About Insects
    A series of questions and answers about insects, their characteristics, and behaviors.
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