Coefficient Books

  • Expanding Binomials
    This book explains what a binomial is, provides examples, and teaches how to expand and simplify binomials using Pascal's triangle and combination.
  • Chemical Reactions
    John learns about chemical reactions from his friend Ann, covering topics such as physical and chemical changes, endothermic and exothermic reactions, word equations, synthes…
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  • Classmates name polynomials!
    A math teacher explains vocabulary words related to polynomials, such as term, constant, coefficient, variable, monomial, binomial, trinomial, and polynomial.
  • Cartoon Guide To Polynomials
    A group of characters learn about division, factoring, linear factors, and writing polynomials in a series of educational chapters.
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  • The Polynomial
    This book provides an introduction to polynomials, explaining their definition, types, and applications in various fields of study.
  • ABC's of Physics
    An alphabetical list of scientific terms and concepts, from acceleration to coefficient of friction.
  • Expanding Binomials
    This story explains how to expand binomials and find coefficients using Pascal's Triangle or a scientific calculator.
  • Dividing Polynomials
    This story explains how to divide polynomials using synthetic division, providing step-by-step instructions and examples.
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