Coffee Books

    Betzy Sterling is a fearless, awesome, coffee loving detective! But when a suspicious cake caper unfolds in her village , there's no one else they can turn to but... AGENT ST…
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor
    Mysteries and adventures are guaranteed when you have sisters, muffins, and a big spooky house. Book #1 in the series.
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Three Christmas Wishes)
    This magical and fun Christmas story is #4 in the Sisters of Muffin Manor series. Based on true stories and real locations. Enjoy!
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  • The Coffee Mugs Go On Strike
    Gabi, a coffee lover, discovers a stack of letters from her neglected coffee mugs. They express their feelings of being left out and forgotten. Gabi realizes her mistake and …
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  • How Big I Can Be
    A little girl who really want to big and do things that grown-ups do.
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  • Hi My Name Is Dawit
    Join Dawit as he shares love, laughter, and tradition with his family. Learn about children of the African Diaspora in this first book of the "Around My Way" series.
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  • The Day Stone  Ran Out of Coffee!
    Fabulous 5th grade class in Chicago writes their first book! Enjoy!!!!
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  • Sturdy
    A little table faces challenges and finds strength in acts of kindness, reminding us to embrace our uniqueness and touch the lives of others.
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