Collapse Books

    The LEGO EPIC ADVENTURES written by the Lego Writing Camp held at Wise Primary 2019.
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  • The Legend of the Crystal Dragon
    A ferocious dragon guards a precious crystal until some heroic scientists befriend him and go on a journey to bring the crystal home.
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  • Eli the Elephant
    Eli, a small elephant, is bullied by Ricardo but saves him when a mountain collapses. They become friends and heroes.
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  • Collapse of the Soviet Union
    A brief overview of Mikhail Gorbachev's attempts to reform the Soviet Union, including his policies of Perestroika and Glasnost, the economic and political challenges he face…
  • The Wobbly Bridge
    The Tacoma Bridge, one of the largest suspension bridges, collapsed due to wind vibrations. The story explains the cause and effect of the collapse.
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  • Life Cycle of a Star
    The story follows the life cycle of a massive star, from its formation as a stellar nebula to its transformation into a black hole.
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  • David bundski book 1
    David's life takes a dramatic turn when his apartment building collapses. He meets a man named Hunter who reveals that David is a wizard and capable of wielding a powerful we…
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  • Mr.Gorbachev's Failure
    This is a book for early learners about the end of the cold war. (:
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