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An informative alphabet book that teaches about colonial America, from attire to the Zenger Trial, with accurate historical facts and clear explanations.
by carissaopry

A brief overview of the reasons for people coming to the New World, the Triangle Trade, Jamestown, Plymouth, Mayflower Compact, and Colonial Government.

This story provides an overview of important English concepts, documents, people, colonial government, events, and the Declaration of Independence.
by Jennifer113

A somewhat disorganized and repetitive overview of the 13 Colonies, early colonization, important people, colonial government, English forms of government, mercantilism, expl…
by 138238

A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.

This story covers the French and Indian War, including the competing empires, the war's beginning, the Albany Congress, and early British defeats.

A brief overview of key events leading up to the American Revolution, including acts, protests, and conflicts between Britain and the colonies.
by A J

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