Commercial Farming Books

  • All About Farming
    This story provides an overview of different types of farming practices, including subsistence farming, commercial agriculture, shifting agriculture, extensive agriculture, i…
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  • Allen's Pond
    Allen loves fishing but notices a decline in fish population. With his sisters' help, they protect the fish and limit their fishing to restore the pond's life.
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  • Subland Africa: Lucy Johnson Farms
    The Lucy Johnson Farm in Mufasa City is a commercial farm that grows cotton, sugarcane, and okra. They sell their crops to Europe and face challenges like competition and dro…
  • Q3 soverighty
    A child describes their farm in a small town, its size, crops, machinery, and government subsidies. They mention the need for better scheduling and the lack of recognition fo…
    A tour guide takes readers on a journey through the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, covering its geography, society, caste system, religion, culture, and technological adv…
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    This is a story about a coffee farm in Subland, Angola. It discusses the reasons for its location, the farming practices, and the export process.
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  • Agriculture on Coconut Island
    Lou introduces Tropical Farm on Coconut Island, describing its size, crops, farming practices, transportation methods, target customers, and challenges.
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  • All About Sugarcane's Agriculture
    A description of a farm in Marabawe, Sugarcane, including its location, crops, transportation, target consumers, and possible problems.
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