Commissioned Books

  • Sophie The Street Artist
    Sophie, a street artist, is commissioned to create a mural in her hometown. She gathers her materials and explains the difference between street art and graffiti.
  • Buñay Jennifer
    An Indigenous man named Cantuña is commissioned to build a church in Quito. He makes a deal with Lucifer to finish the construction, but outsmarts him and saves his soul.
    Eye Icon 16
  • 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
    This book provides detailed information about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, including their history, construction, and eventual destruction.
    Eye Icon 360
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  • Civil war ABC book
    A collection of short paragraphs about various events and figures from the American Civil War, lacking clear organization and coherence.
    Eye Icon 3170
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  • Princess Iris and the dark planet English Version
    Princess Iris visits the Dark Planet and teaches its inhabitants about colors, bringing joy and happiness to their lives.
    Eye Icon 75
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  • Mozart's biography
    The story of Mozart's life, from his childhood prodigy to his struggles with work and personal life, ending with his death.
    Eye Icon 354
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  • Mozart's biography
    The story of Mozart's life, from his childhood in Salzburg to his death in Vienna, highlighting his musical genius and personal struggles.
    Eye Icon 161
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  • The life of Mozart
    The story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, his musical career, personal life, and tragic death.
    Eye Icon 289
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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