Comparative Advantage Books

  • Why We Trade
    A short children's novel explaining why countries trade with each other, using examples and simple language.
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  • Maria's and Anna's Great Advantage
    Twin sisters Maria and Anna compete for a spot on the classroom decorating committee, but their teacher decides they work better as a team.
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  • Have you ever wondered Why We Trade?
    Ana finds herself in the land of Himalyna and learns about trade from Maddy, who helps her return home.
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  • Economics For Kids
    A children's book that introduces basic economic concepts such as scarcity, supply and demand, incentives, minimum wage, unemployment, inflation, trade, comparative and absol…
  • Trade
    An informational text about trade, protectionism, economic development, and international agreements like NAFTA.
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  • The Forgotten Forest
    Two sets of siblings, Sally and Kevin, and Jim and Kyle, get stranded in the Forgotten Forest. Initially, they struggle to work together but eventually learn to collaborate a…
  • The City rebuilt from Ashes.
    A dragon secretly controls a town called Peshtigo, providing resources until he destroys it in a fire. The town is rebuilt from ashes.
  • Reese Witherspoon
    Reese Witherspoon, an actress and entrepreneur, founded Hello Sunshine to promote female stories in media, inspired by her own experiences and the need for representation.
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