Condo Books

  • Rapunzel in New York
    Rapunzel, a young girl trapped in her condo, takes control of her life and becomes a successful doctor.
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  • Into The Woods
    We all need to remember that not everything is as it seems
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  • Mr. Dave owns a condo
    Mr. Dave is on a quest to find a condo, but each one he visits is under construction. Will he ever find a finished condo?
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  • Who's The Champion?
    A group of soccer players, including Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar, and Mbappe, meet and play soccer together, leading to Mbappe joining PSG.
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  • The Day I Went To LEGOLAND
    a boy named brody and
    he gos to legoland.
    He has alot of fun till
    he has to leave.
    by bsl
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  • April and August's first vacation
    April and August, a dog and cat, go on their first vacation with their owner Bob. They have fun at the beach and pool.
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  • If You Give a Couple a New Housemate
    A couple's decision to get a new housemate leads to a series of events, including getting a dog and moving into a new home.
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    Kaitlyn and her family go on a vacation to Hawaii. They explore the island, visit an aquarium, and Kaitlyn gets to swim with dolphins.
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