Confucius Books

  • Where is Confucius?
    Confucius shaped Chinese culture with his teachings on ethics, family respect, and social order, remaining relevant today through his principles like the Golden Rule.
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  • Confucius
    The story of Confucius, a famous Chinese philosopher and teacher, who faced challenges and spread his ideas throughout China.
  • Unit 6 :The first university in VietNam
    A brief introduction to the Temple of Literature, Vietnam's first university, its history, location, and significance.
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  • Unit 6: The first university in Vietnam
    A description of the Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam, a temple in Vietnam dedicated to Confucius and education.
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    Confucius visits the temple of Lu and asks questions to learn about its cultural relics, music, and rituals.
  • Life in China
    An informative book about China's population, arts and crafts, Confucius, Chinese dragons, and the Great Wall.
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  • The Great Confucius
    This is a brief biography of Confucius, his upbringing, career, and teachings, ending with his death and the continued practice of Confucianism in China.
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