Contraction Books

  • Contraction Surgery
    Welcome to Grammar Hospital! Join skilled surgeons as they practice taking apart and putting together contractions.
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  • Solids, Liquids and Gases
    Allison Marken and Hailie Hallquist's Multi Media Project for Mrs. Larson's class.

    Heating and cooling
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  • The Sliding Filament Theory
    A story about the process of muscular contraction, using characters to represent different components.
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  • Contraction Action
    A rhyming story that explains what contractions are and how to make them, using examples and practice exercises.
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  • Muscle Contraction
    A fairy tale about Queen Sarcomere and her daughters, Myosin and Tropomyosin, in the land of Myofibrillia. Jealousy, dragons, and a happy ending.
  • Muscle Project: Muscle Contraction
    Lily learns from her mom, a nurse, about how muscles work and allow us to move. She shares her new knowledge with her friend George at the playground.
  • Digestive System
    Martin the strawberry goes on an adventure through the digestive system, learning about its different parts and functions.
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  • Pregnancy
    A brief overview of pregnancy, including symptoms, doctor visits, and the birth process.
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