Cooperatives Books

  • Captain Co-op, the New Assistant, & the Tornado
    Captain Co-op and his assistant, Volt the electric eel, work at a cooperative that provides electricity and community services. They face a tornado and help with storm damage.
  • Co-ops Save The Day
    Erica rushes to school with her mom, encounters a power outage, and learns about cooperatives. She makes cards for the linemen who fix the power.
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  • Phoenix And The Town Power Outage
    Agent Phoenix and a team of linemen work together to fix a power outage in town caused by frozen power lines.
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  • Greetings from Zagreb,
    The Croatian Association of School Cooperatives is a non-profit organization that promotes school cooperatives and their various activities, such as agricultural production, …
    A red plastic bag and a plastic bottle have a conversation in a dumpster, then the bag flies away and falls into the sea. It is swallowed by a whale and later spat out. A sci…
  • The Science Behind Power
    This book explains the history of power distribution and the role of power companies, focusing on the development in England and America. It also discusses the causes of powe…
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  • Will and the Magic Line Truck
    A young boy learns about the history of electricity and electric cooperatives through a magical adventure with his lineman father.
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