Coraline Books

  • My last book read
    The story discusses the benefits of reading and mentions a book called 'Coraline in the Country of Cosmars' by Neil Gaiman.
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    Five friends have a spooky Halloween party in an old house. They encounter a strange girl named Coraline and enter a dark world, only to wake up and realize it was all a drea…
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  • Gregious the Giant
    Gregorius the Giant learns the importance of empathy and fairness after mistreating Lewin the Baker and Coraline the Crow.
    Luna, a happy girl from Mexico City, loves animals, especially cats. She shares about her pets, favorite food, and aspirations to become a dentist.
  • button Eyes
    Celia, a young girl in Egypt, sews a quilt with button eyes. A man with button eyes kidnaps her and forces her to work for him. 25 years later, she plans to take him down.
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  • Yes, I want!
    A happy couple goes on a date, gets interrupted during their wedding, but eventually continues and gets married.
  • Krew Facts!
    A brief introduction to the Krew members, their real names, ages, appearances, and some of their interests.
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  • The Life of 3 Kittens Book 1: Midnight's story
    Three kittens search for their mother after she disappears. Midnight faces challenges, including a polar bear, and finds help from Zack and Coraline in a magical forest.
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