Coyotes Books

  • Coyotes
    An informational book about coyotes, covering their habitat, food, adaptations, predators, appearance, and distribution in the United States.
  • The Howling Hurricane A Story of Mindfulness
    Bear and Coyote are friends, but Coyote's wild energy can be overwhelming. Bear teaches Coyote how to be still and calm.
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  • About Coyotes
    An informative book about coyotes, covering their habitat, food, adaptations, predators, appearance, and special features.
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    A comparison of wolves and coyotes, including their characteristics, diet, speed, and lifespan. The story ends with a fight between a wolf and a coyote, with the wolf emergin…
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  • Motie the Coyote
    This is about a coyote who tells you about him and other coyotes
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  • CoCo The Coyote and Sammy The Squirrel
    CoCo the Coyote and Sammy the Squirrel become unlikely friends after overcoming their initial differences and misunderstandings.
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  • Coyotes of America
    the book is is abit in formational for thoes that arereaserching animalss
  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
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