Creatures Books

  • The Dragon World
    A collection of descriptions of different types of dragons, each with unique characteristics and abilities.
    Eye Icon 3017
    Star Icon 222
  • The Swamp Creature
    The Peterson family takes a shortcut through a spooky swamp on their vacation, encountering eerie lights and a mysterious creature.
    Eye Icon 251
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  • Under the Ocean Blue!
    A collection of short descriptions about different ocean creatures, including crabs, sharks, turtles, octopuses, seahorses, and eels.
    Eye Icon 7923
    Star Icon 29
  • Creature
    A woman starts journaling her daily life at the suggestion of her husband, Josh. She begins to notice a strange creature lurking around her neighborhood and becomes increasin…
    Eye Icon 674
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  • A Home For Highway
    How a lonely dog named "Highway" finds a safe, loving home. (Based on a true story)
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  • Creatures of the Night
    Three creatures of the night get lost on an island but are helped by a bunny who becomes one of them.
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  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
    Eye Icon 1144
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  • MONSTER LAND Beware of Monsters
    Joshua and Jonathan go to Adventure Land, where they encounter monsters and a magician with evil plans. They must rescue their friends and trap the evil creatures in a hidden…
    Eye Icon 1373
    Star Icon 117
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