Crusades Books

  • The Catastrophic Crusade
    A young orphan embarks on his first voyage on an extraordinary ship, but it is soon hijacked by pirates after a collision with an iceberg.
  • The Crusades
    Two boys, Charles and Mike, have their sand pit taken by other kids. They plan to chase them away but learn about the Crusades and decide to share instead.
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  • Pope Urban II and the Crusades
    The story of Pope Urban II, his rise to becoming the Pope, and his role in organizing the First Crusade.
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  • The Crusade
    A brief overview of the Crusades, focusing on the agreement between Christians and Muslims to worship at controlled sites.
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  • The  Children's Crusade
    A young narrator recounts their experiences in the Children's Crusade, from meeting Stephen and Nicholas to facing thieves and finding refuge. They reflect on the journey and…
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  • The Knights templar
    The story explores the origins and history of the Knights Templar, a military order formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land during the Crusades.
  • The Great Crusades
    The story discusses the Great Crusades, their purpose, and impact on spreading Christianity.
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  • Anna Comnena
    The story of Anna Comnena, a princess of the Byzantine empire who was a scholar, historian, and critic of the Crusaders.
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