Cutting Books

  • Grandpa, What Did You Do When You Were Little Without A Phone?
    When he was little and before there were mobile phones, grandpa found many ways to live an interesting life.
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  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • How to Be a Cut-Fruit Ninja!
    Jeff wants to help you learn how to cut fruit! So pick up this book and become a certified Fruit Ninja today!
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    Dog Man and Cat Kid encounter a disrespectful person cutting in line at a gas station. They teach him the importance of respect and waiting his turn.
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    Elsa and Anna encounter a woodman cutting trees in bad weather. They invite him to their castle and ask their parents to find him clothes.
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  • MAGIC TREE HOUSE The Trees At Sundown
    Jack and Annie embark on an adventure in their magical treehouse, where they meet a logger named Ed. They convince him to plant more trees instead of cutting them down, fulfi…
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  • The Hidden World
    A beautiful, unknown hidden world is finally discovered by a girl who believes that there is something beyond Earth, something better.
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  • Ancient rock cutting technology
    The story explores the fascinating rock-cut structures like Ajanta and Ellora caves, explaining how they were created using simple tools and techniques.
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