Cyprus Books

    This history of medieval Cyprus, which is full of hatred, passions, love, lies and intrigue, inspired the poetic world of the island. And since then the song of Arodafnousa b…
  • The Mermaid of the Mediterranean Sea
    A Mediterranean mermaid sends a message about the pollution in her sea and asks for help from children in Greece and Cyprus.
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  • The island of Cyprus
    A description of Limassol, the second largest city in Cyprus, its cultural tradition, and its location.
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  • Julianna & Jinx in Cyprus
    Julianna and her cat Jinx travel to Cyprus, where they experience the culture, food, and traditions of the island.
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  • Our endemic plants
    A description of various flowers that grow in Cyprus, including sunflowers, tulips, and daisies.
  • Our endemic animals
    A description of various species found in Cyprus, including butterflies, snakes, hedgehogs, sheep, turtles, and lizards.
  • Erasmus+ KA229 ”Volunteerism and Citizenship: from Individuals to Organizations” 2019-2022
    A group of Romanian students participate in an Erasmus+ project, traveling to different countries and experiencing new cultures. They share their thoughts and feelings about …
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  • The dragon of Wawel travels to Nicosia!
    Anaxagoras encounters a dragon from Poland in Cyprus and befriends him through kindness and understanding.
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