Dairy Books

  • Daisy the Dairy Cow
    Daisy, a happy cow on a farm, becomes a mother but her calf is taken away. She endures sadness and learns about the fate of dairy cows.
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  • Dairy of Jane Eyre
    This is a first-person narrative of a young girl's life, filled with trials and tribulations. She faces cruelty from her relatives, finds solace in friendship at school, beco…
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  • We Mooved
    The Grewe family, farmers from Seattle, move to the Midwest for a better future. They face challenges, make friends, and succeed in their new community.
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  • Our Dairy Farm Field Trip
    A visit to Shamrock Dairy Farm where the process of feeding, milking, and caring for cows is explained.
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  • Healthy Eating
    A simple and informative story about the importance of eating healthy and taking care of your body.
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    The story discusses loneliness, mental health, and the benefits of reading, music, and drawing. It emphasizes the importance of seeking help and finding solace in art.
  • Where Does Milk Come From?
    This book explores the dairy industry, discussing milk production, ethical concerns, and efforts to improve cow treatment.
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  • Gone Are The Cows
    Zach wakes up to find the cows missing on the farm. He discovers that without the cows, there is no milk, butter, or cheese. Zach and his family search for the cows and event…
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