Data Books

  • IR Man and the School of Lost Data
    Help Billy and Sally as they try to find Billy's spelling book before class begins. Will they be able to do it?

    This looks like a job for IR Man!
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  • A Happy Data Managed Birthday
    Nicki, a 10-year-old girl, learns various concepts in data management while preparing for her birthday party.
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  • The World, That Will Turn into Ash
    A book about climate change, its causes, impacts, and solutions, with graphs and data to support the information.
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  • Inside Internet!
    Jane helps her friend understand computer networks, including LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN, WLAN, clients, servers, packet switching, routers, switches, networking cables, network secu…
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  • The Science of Popcorn
    The story explores the question of what makes popcorn pop, providing background information, a hypothesis, procedure, data, and conclusions based on an experiment.
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  • Data Search
    A child discovers that the government is spying on people's phone activities, leading to a debate about privacy and security.
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  • Graphs and Their Meaning
    An informative book about graphs and data collection, using examples of animals' breath-holding abilities.
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  • ABC's of BIG DATA
    An introduction to big data, its challenges, and applications. It also provides a list of popular big data tools.
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