Debates Books

  • Chocolate Milk Should Be Banned!
    A persuasive essay arguing against serving chocolate milk in schools due to its high sugar and calorie content, which can lead to childhood obesity.
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  • The
    The story explores the history of televised debates in the United States, focusing on the first debate between Kennedy and Nixon.
  • The Debate of the Year
    The students at Scout Elementary compete for a spot on the student council. Peter wins and promises to take care of his classmates.
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  • WOOLLY Our Story of a Journey from a Caterpillar to a Moth
    Three children find a frozen woolly bear caterpillar and debate whether it is dead or alive. They bring it inside and discover that it is still alive. They take care of it, w…
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  • The Big Debate
    A debate between Sam (federalist) and Gabby (anti-federalist) about the role of government, rights, states, executive branch, and courts.
    The story discusses the topic of verbal intelligence and the importance of speaking and writing. It includes various activities and debates conducted by teachers from differe…
  • Rachel's Big Decision
    Rachel debates whether to donate her hair, ultimately deciding to do so and feeling proud of her choice.
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