Debt Books

  • The Boy Who Cried Wolf
    A shepherd boy plays a trick on the townspeople by pretending there is a wolf, but when a real wolf comes, nobody believes him. He must face the consequences of his actions a…
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  • The boy who cried wolf
    A boys father leaves the house and his boy has to look after the sheep and make sure they don't go too close to the forest or they might get eaten by the wolf!
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  • The boy who cried Wolf!
    A shepherd boy repeatedly tricks the villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking the sheep. When a real wolf comes, no one believes him, leading to consequences.
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  • Princess Belle and Economics
    Princess Belle learns about economics and makes decisions about soup, cupcakes, and building a factory.
  • The Owl Gets a Credit Card
    A young owl gets a credit card, spends recklessly, and ends up in debt. They work hard to pay off the debt and learn financial responsibility.
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  • The Paperbark King
    This is a modern-day fairy story which takes place within the bowels of the Earth. It is written in rhyme which gives it an old-school feel.
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  • Manage Debt
    This book provides tips on debt management for businesses, including strategies to pay off debts, boost sales, cut costs, refinance high-cost debt, and shorten payment terms …
  • Comic Strip
    The story contrasts the financial habits of Rebecca and Larry, showing how their choices impact their credit scores and overall financial well-being.
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