Decomposers Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • How Do Decomposers Survive?
    This book introduces decomposers, such as bacteria, fungi, and worms, and explains their role in breaking down dead plants and animals to release nutrients. It also discusses…
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  • The Circle of Life: The Food Chain
    This book explains the relationship between plants, animals, and their environment through the food chain, using clear examples and definitions.
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  • The Rainforest
    A comprehensive guide to the rainforest ecosystem, including its components, food chains, threats, and ways to help. Includes a glossary and works cited.
  • Mealworms
    A story about the life cycle of a mealworm, its habitat, and its diet, with some additional fictional elements.
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  • Take a Look at a Food Chain!!
    This book explains the concept of a food chain, starting with the sun as the primary source of energy and ending with decomposers. It emphasizes the importance of each organi…
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  • The Carbon Cycle
    This story explains the carbon cycle, including its steps and the role of humans and organisms. It emphasizes the importance of plants and decomposers.
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  • The Food Chain
    This informative book explains the concept of a food chain, starting with the sun and ending with decomposers. It also discusses energy flow and the decrease in organisms as …
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