Defiance Books

  • By Cindy Mizhquiri & Lizbeth Estrada
    The story is about a young woman named Carmen who falls in love with a mariachi named Carlos, against her father's wishes. After running away together, her father realizes hi…
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  • The Story Of Sisyphus
    This is a children's twist on the myth of Sisyphus. This is a story about a man who did not listen to the gods and got punished for that one reason.
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  • The Rock-n-Roll Princess
    A princess dreams of being a rockstar and defies her family's expectations to pursue her passion with the help of her aunt.
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  • Rostam And His Horse Rakhsh
    A story from the Shahnameh A Book of Persian Kings in a version that's understandable for little children
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  • The Girl and The Crater
    A deer creates a beautiful flower that turns into a woman. She creates a world, seeks a friend, and defies the sky god's orders.
  • A Princess and Her True Love
    Princess Laurel defies her royal family to be with her true love, Kayden. After a confrontation, the Queen gives her blessing and they live happily ever after.
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  • Antigone: The Hero
    Antigone plans to defy Creon and die with honor, hoping her death will inspire change and be remembered as heroic.
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  • Defiance in the Shadows
    A girl encounters a terrifying monster and shows bravery and determination in facing it.
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