Dermatologist Books

  • Dermatology
    An informational book about dermatologists, their roles, and how to become one. It also covers common conditions they treat and the positives and negatives of the profession.
  • Albinism is Beautiful
    The beauty of albinism and the uniqueness. Learn a little bit about people with albinism.
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  • My dream job
    A description of the job of a dermatologist, including required skills, education, and salary.
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  • Terry the Berry Saves the Day
    This book is for my medical terminology class. It is about about berry named Terry that saves his friend by taking her to the doctor. (The empty spaces is for symbols that is…
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    A brief introduction to the profession of doctors, their tools, types, and what they wear. It also asks readers about their dream job.
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  • The Adventures of Little Jimmy
    Little Jimmy discovers a mole on his face and learns about it from his teacher and dermatologist.
  • Group no. 4 Advaita,Aahaan,Ahaan, Shivaan,Tashvi,Namit Rachit and Vedang
    Tanya, a girl bullied for her skin tone, seeks to change herself but learns to embrace her uniqueness and inspire others.
  • Rex the cyclops Learns the Integumentary
    Rex the Cyclops encounters a boy in need and his dermatologist father, who educates Rex about the human integumentary system.
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