Devastation Books

  • The Dust Bowl
    A poetic depiction of the devastating impact of the Dust Bowl on people's lives and the land.
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  • Fire in the forest
    A forest fire devastates the landscape, prompting firefighters to take action and educate children on forest protection.
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  • The American's Bomb Japan
    During World War II, two brothers in Japan experience the devastation of a bomb dropped by the United States.
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  • From a Hard Hat to a Halo
    A coal miner's daughter reflects on her father's hard work and tragic death, finding solace in the belief that he is now mining gold for God in Heaven.
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  • The Big Boom
    A family in Hiroshima survives the atomic bombing and searches for their father amidst the destruction.
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  • It's the RED DEATH
    A story about the Red Death, a deadly disease that brings devastation to a nation and ultimately claims the life of Prince Prospero.
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  • The Shrimp based on True Event
    This is a children's book about the Castle Bravo accident. This book is intended for grades 1-2.
  • The Destruction of Planet Earth
    In 2053, a solar flare causes deforestation and devastation on Earth. Survivors form the United Green Society to save the planet.
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