Digital Etiquette Books

    A list of online etiquette rules for children, presented in an alphabetical format. Each letter represents a rule and is accompanied by a brief explanation.
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  • High School Students
    A book about digital etiquette, online safety, and cyberbullying, emphasizing the importance of protecting personal information and being kind online.
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  • Think, Puzzle, Explore
    The story is a reflective piece on internet safety, ethics, and digital footprints. It discusses the importance of giving credit for online content, using aliases for safety,…
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  • The Importance of Digital Etiquette
    Nancy and Andrew receive a cellphone as a gift and take pictures of animals. They send the pictures to their friend Jenny, who gets in trouble for receiving them during an im…
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  • Design
    The story discusses digital etiquette, design rules, copyright and citizenship, legal and ethical issues, and the importance of citations in the digital world.
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  • Digital Citizenship
    This book introduces the concept of digital citizenship and its nine elements, emphasizing responsible behavior online.
  • Digital Citizenship 101
    This book explains what digital citizenship is, the difference between good and bad digital citizenship, the do's and dont's of being a good digital citizen, and legal and et…
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  • How to be safe online!
    Luis learns about digital etiquette at school and is excited to share his knowledge with his parents.
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