Digital Security Books

  • Digital Security Guide
    This text explains various aspects of cybersecurity, including authentication methods, data protection, and the role of ethical hackers, emphasizing the importance of safety …
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  • Cybersmart Students
    Mrs. Smartypantz teaches her students about digital identity and security, and gives them rules for using their new laptops safely.
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    This book is about digital literacy, digital and intellectual rights, digital security and data protection, digital law and netiquette. It covers various topics related to th…
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  • E-DICTIONARY (copy)
    Digital Security Terminology is a book that introduces children to the concepts of digital and cybersecurity. It covers topics such as digital security risks, personal identi…
  • Digital Citizenship
    This book introduces the concept of digital citizenship and its nine elements, emphasizing responsible behavior online.
  • e-safety
    A list of tips for online safety, including protecting personal data, updating software, and being cautious with video calls and passwords.
  • ABC's of Digital Safety
    A guide for children on internet safety, covering topics such as social media, online bullying, and computer security.
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  • Sioux Falls , A Great City
    Learn a little bit about Sioux Falls interesting history through its unique buildings. Written & illustrated by Jason Folkerts
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