Dna Replication Books

  • DNA Replication
    An introduction to DNA, its structure, replication, and mutations.
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  • Mr. DNA
    Mr. DNA teaches his class about the process of DNA replication, transcription, and translation, as well as different types of mutations.
    Eye Icon 1861
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  • Organelles of an Animal Cell
    An informative book that compares the different parts of a cell to various organs and systems in the human body.
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  • DNA Replication
    A rhyming story about the discovery of DNA and its structure, explaining the process of replication.
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  • DNA Replication
    A brief introduction to DNA and its structure, explaining the bases and the process of DNA replication.
  • The Story of DNA and Protein
    A detailed explanation of the process of protein synthesis, including DNA replication, transcription, translation, and potential mutations.
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  • The Cell Cycle
    Al the Alien explains the cell cycle, from G1 to cytokinesis, in a clear and concise manner.
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  • The Super D.N.A. Replication
    Yorik, a young man working in a hospital, creates a DNA replication machine to solve the doctor shortage. But new troubles arise.
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