Drought Books

  • Sajir
    In a drought-stricken village, brave Khaled embarks on a journey to find the mythical falcon Sajir, who brings rain and saves the village.
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  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • The Great Drought
    The city of Town is suffering from a water shortage due to a drought. A great visitor explains the water cycle and brings rain, ending the drought.
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    drought...it's to be read to kindergarteners or those in 1st grade
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  • The Story of Little-Drop-of-Dew
    an Indian tale of the importance of being kind to one another.
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  • Dave, a boy living on a farm in Sydney, faces a drought. His friend Tim helps raise money and provides support.
    by Ah89
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  • The Book of the Four Seasons
    A girl named Sun goes on a journey to the sea to find fish for her village, which is suffering from drought. She succeeds and brings rain back to her village.
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  • The Dust Bowl
    The story describes the impact of the Dust Bowl, drought, and depression on farmers in the West and their eventual integration into the community.
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