Dust Storms Books

  • Boo In Boerne
    Boo, a friendly cowboy ghost, helps his new friend Andy the armadillo find his way home to Amarillo, Texas, with the help of other animal friends along the way.
  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
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  • The Desert Biome
    This book will talk about the desert biome in a kid friendly way. It will talk about the deserts climate, animals, and plants that it has. This will be a great book to learn …
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  • Facts about mars for kids
    A brief introduction to Mars, including its gravity, temperature, dust storms, and surface features.
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  • Dust in the Storm
    This book tells the story of a young dust particle who gets trapped in a tornado.
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  • The Wondrous Wormhole
    Travel with Wiggles and Waggles through the wormhole and learn about outer space!
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  • Space Adventure
    Fictional Story for kids about the Solar System and some true facts.
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  • The history of the Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl was a severe drought in the 1930s that caused dust storms, economic devastation, and forced migration in the Southern Plains region of the United States.
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