Dynasty Books

  • The Qin Dynasty
    The rise and fall of the Qin Dynasty in ancient China, led by Emperor Shi Huangdi.
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  • The Tang Dynasty
    A brief overview of the Tang Dynasty in China, including its leaders, religion, lifestyle, city life, culture, and inventions.
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  • The Storybook of Fun: Inca Dynasty
    Poco the parrot narrates an adventure through the Inca Dynasty, introducing a girl named Manqu and the Quechua people. The story covers the empire's rise, its culture, belief…
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  • The Zhou Dynasty
    An overview of the Zhou dynasty in ancient China, including their territory, religion, achievements, government, money/goods, and society.
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  • The Song Dynasty
    Litty Billy adventures into the Song dynasty! He will have to escape a crisis to come back home and talk to his history teacher. This nail-biting, lit, fantastical story will…
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  • Chinese Dynasties
    This story provides a brief overview of the Tang and Song dynasties in China, their achievements, the Mongol invasion, and the Ming dynasty.
  • HISTORY OF VIETNAM (Part 1: Ngo Quyen)
    The story of Ngo Quyen, a famous Vietnamese hero in the 10th century. He rose through the military ranks, defeated rebels, and became the first king of Annam.
  • The Shang Dynasty
    Three unlikely men join forces to defeat an evil emperor and bring peace to the Shang Dynasty.
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