Egyptian Books

  • Max Finds His Confidence.
    A teenage warrior named Max overcomes his lack of confidence and becomes a great warrior through training and battles.
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  • Cleopatra and the Magic Flute
    Cleopatra finds a magic flute that whisks her to the land of fairy tales! She has to get home soon or she might run out of time.
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  • Egyptian Social Classes
    This is a fun children's picture book that will teach your child all about Egypt and it's social classes, as well as the Egyptian social pyramid.
    Reccomended for ages 5+<…
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  • Egyptian Puppy Dog
    In ancient Egypt, a special puppy named Azizi is found by Princess Eldinor. Despite her father's initial hesitation, she convinces him to let her keep the dog and they live h…
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  • Our Own Egyptian Mystery
    A group of explorers find an Egyptian tomb in a forest, but it turns out to be a product of their imagination.
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  • Ancient Egyptian civilization
    An overview of modern Egypt, its ancient civilization, history, and famous figures. Includes information on pyramids, temples, and Queen Nefertiti.
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  • Egyptian Pyramids and Tombs Part 2
    This book provides information about pyramids in ancient Egypt, including their purpose, construction, and cultural significance.
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    A group of students research and write about Egyptian gods, mythology, and the afterlife, presenting their findings in different writing styles.
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