Elizabeth I Books

  • Elizabeth Does A Little Chemistry
    Captain George Burtles of the Royal Air Force (R.A.F.), needing an improved fuel for a new type of jet aircraft, telephones Elizabeth to engage her help. Elizabeth, using her…
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  • The Mathematics Competition - Part I
    A chance encounter prompts Matthew, a friend of Charles, to telephone and guide Charles to page twelve of the day's newspaper. The newspaper has issued a challenge in the for…
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  • A New Red Silk Bow
    Pining for his dearest, and eager to have an excuse to take his new motor-car out, Charles sets out for the railway station. Elizabeth, equally longing for her beloved, is so…
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  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • The Treasure Map - Part I
    Intrigue and excitement abounds as Charles and Elizabeth discover an old treasure map. A three part series, 1930s 1:12 scale.
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  • The Treasure Map - Part II
    Having discovered a treasure map, Charles and Elizabeth make passage for Shipwreck Island. Not knowing what they will unearth, Charles and Elizabeth duly follow their treasur…
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  • Elizabeth I of England
    This book provides an overview of the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth I, highlighting her accomplishments and impact on England.
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  • I Want to Pitch!
    Elizabeth wants to pitch in a baseball game, but her coach tells her she needs to practice more.
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