Endemic Books

  • eTwinning project endemic species in Poland
    A group of students in Poland participate in an eTwinning project, researching endemic species and creating posters to raise awareness about biodiversity.
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  • Our endemic animals
    A description of various species found in Cyprus, including butterflies, snakes, hedgehogs, sheep, turtles, and lizards.
  • Looking at my Country in the ScientificWindo
    A list of endemic plant species in Turkey, with descriptions and locations.
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  • Our endemic plants
    A description of various flowers that grow in Cyprus, including sunflowers, tulips, and daisies.
  • animal habitats
    A brief introduction to various animals and their habitats, including lions, platypuses, echidnas, crocodiles, lemurs, Tasmanian devils, leopards, jaguars, and red kangaroos.
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  • The Biodiversity in Ankara
    An informative book about the biodiversity of Ankara, including endemic plant and animal species, climate, and soil structure.
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  • OLM
    Introduces the olm, an endemic species in Croatia. Describes its appearance, habitat, diet, lifespan, and importance.
  • Here, the ten most dangerous animals
    A collection of facts about dangerous animals, including African buffalo, cone snails, box jellyfish, golden poison frog, Tetrahedron fish, black mamba, crocodile, and tsetse…
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