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Wanna know all the evolutions so far ? Then check out this book of eeveelutions! It has awesome pictures, too!
by GoldenPages

This book of poetry contains the thoughts and inspirations of 5th graders who want to make the world a better place.

Dr. Catherine Sweet explores the use of dowsing rods, sound therapy, and other tools to detect and clear energy distortions for healing.
by Alisa Wright

A children's book of affirmations and self-care, with a focus on nature and mental well-being.

This is a book about which foods are a good source of which vitamins and minerals, and how they work in the body.

Bowie, a curious five-year-old, goes to the Big City Parade with his two dads. They celebrate love and diversity, learn about the meaning of rainbow colors, and enjoy the fes…

The story provides information about various vitamins and minerals, their functions in the body, symptoms of deficiency or excess, recommended daily allowances, and food sour…
An alien nation on the moon captures a human named Leo and learns about his integumentary system and healing process.
by trevormiller

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