Entrepreneurship Books

    Sam, a little boy who wants a bike, decides to sell popsicles to earn money. He successfully sells them and makes more than enough to buy the bike.
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  • Lollipop, Lollipop.
    Two friends, Jack and Jenny, start a small business selling lollipops to buy a tree house. They succeed and learn the value of hard work and entrepreneurship.
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  • The Journey to Grandpa's
    Tony and Daisy want to visit their grandpa for the summer vacation, but their parents don't have enough money to send them on a train trip. They decide to make a business, bu…
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  • Caroline and the Lemonade Stand
    Caroline, a sweet and determined girl, sets up a lemonade stand but realizes no one knows about it. She comes up with a plan to make posters and spread the word, leading to s…
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  • Ni'rell's New Success
    Nirell and Jade work together to open a shoe store called NextDoor Shoes. They find a location, plan a grand opening, and successfully open the store.
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  • A Merry Christmas
    Two poor friends, William and Mary, get help from their rich friend John to start a candy business and fix their house in time for Christmas.
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  • Summer adventures
    Three friends, Mike, Max, and Katy, want to buy a new game called Fortmight. They decide to sell lemonade to earn money but end up using it to save an injured dog. In the end…
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  • Mia and the Milkshake stand by Anisha Pradeep
    Mia, a girl from Fremont, starts her own milkshake business after her favorite shop closes. With the help of her friends and family, she becomes successful.
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