Equilibrium Books

  • Equilibrium and The Ocean
    This informative book explains the importance of ocean salinity and the concept of equilibrium. It discusses the effects of salt levels on weather, marine life, and the carbo…
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  • The Skin (The Integumentary System)
    This informative book explains the importance of skin, its functions, and its layers. It also discusses how skin contributes to homeostasis.
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  • The Guide to Chemistry Children's book
    A comprehensive guide to reaction kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, redox reactions, and electrochemical cells.
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  • THE ABC's of the Brain
    A book that introduces and explains various parts of the brain and their functions using letters of the alphabet as mnemonic devices.
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  • Ecological succession
    This book explains the process of ecological succession, from bare rock to a mature forest ecosystem, highlighting the role of pioneer organisms and the stages of primary and…
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  • Life Cycle Of A Star
    A story about the life cycle of a star, from its birth in a nebula to its death as a black dwarf.
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  • Supply and Demand
    Josie and Jamie learn about supply and demand, pricing, budgeting, and the black market while searching for a pumpkin.
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  • A Better village
    Jason, a novice manager, holds two promotions for his clothes company but faces challenges with supply and demand. He learns valuable lessons about pricing and equilibrium.
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