Esol Books

  • Chris, The Little Dragon
    Chris, a little dragon, is bullied by mean dragons but is defended by his friend TJ. They become friends and play soccer together.
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  • Diego, The Migrant Child
    Diego, a 12-year-old boy from Guatemala, overcomes language barriers and works hard to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor and playing soccer.
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  • Chiquis,The Kitten
    Chiquis, a black and white kitten, goes on various adventures and learns about grammar and vocabulary along the way.
  • Princess, The Brown Dog
    A dog named Princess overcomes challenges, helps others, and finds happiness.
  • Neiko, The Nice Dog and Leo, The Grumpy Dog
    I am an English learner at Thomas County Central High School. This book is a writing assignment for ESOL.
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  • Georgie´s Wish
    I am an English learner at Thomas County Central High School. This book is a writing assignment for ESOL.
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  • Jiayi's Writing Works for ESOL
    A collection of essays and a writing assignment by students, covering topics such as personal experiences, biographies, persuasive arguments, and comparisons.
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  • Jiahui's Writing For ESOL
    This book is about Lee, a Chinese boy who moves to New York and learns about friendship and acceptance.
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