Estates Books

  • In un bel mattino di piena estate ...
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  • Ghosts Of Biltmore Estate
    The beautiful, well taken care of, well-connected mansion Biltmore Estate is not a mansion like any other. This one may possibly be filled with ghosts! Read this non-fiction …
  • The French Revolution
    The history of the French Revolution, written for ten-year olds.
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  • Lawrence Estates
    A child explores the availability and cost of healthy and unhealthy food in their neighborhood, documenting their findings in a photo journal.
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  • THANK YOU...-A heart-warming story
    This is a heart warming story about a poor boy and another girl...plz read!
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  • The French Revolution
    The story is a detailed account of the French Revolution, covering key events and figures. It explores the causes, major incidents like the storming of Bastille, Reign of Ter…
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  • The French Revolution By Travis And Frank
    A brief overview of the French Revolution, focusing on the three estates, their grievances, and the events leading to the revolution.
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