Eternal Books

  • Earth and Luna An Eternal Galactic Friendship
    Earth & Luna: An Eternal Galactic Friendship is fun way to learn about the Solar System. It's also about the hardship of friendship when people have different schedules a…
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  • The eternal river
    Salmon lose their way but are guided by a wise bear to swim upstream and become the Northern Lights, guiding others home.
  • The Ring of Eternal Love
    In a magical twist, Frodo and Gandalf revive Romeo and Juliet in Verona, but must protect the ring's power from Sauron while fighting for their love and freedom.
  • The Princess of the Swans
    Autumn, a girl with latent magic, breaks the eternal winter in her kingdom with the help of swans and an ancient artifact.
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  • Love is eternal
    A story about the friendship between Bulma and Vegeta, their struggles, and a new beginning. The story also mentions beautiful flowers growing near a tree.
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  • An Alphabet Guide To Super Mario
    An alphabetical guide to the Super Mario game series, covering characters, history, and impact. Includes glossary and references.
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  • The Three Christians
    Three Christians discuss their faith and understanding of salvation. One believes he's always been a Christian, another found Christianity later in life, and the third is uns…
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  • The Bee Keeper's Honey Bees
    This story is about bees and how they go on an adventure in the garden to make their honey for the bee keeper.
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