Europe Day Books

    A collection of short descriptions about different countries, including their geography, history, and culture.
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  • Grandpa and the Great, Big, Giant Coronavirus
    Grandpa explains to Sam about the COVID-19 pandemic, its origins, how it spread, and the measures taken to control it. He also explains concepts like viruses, vaccines, and h…
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  • Christopher Columbus
    A brief history of Christopher Columbus and his journey to America, including the impact on Native Americans and the exchange of goods between Europe and America.
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  • ABC's of MARDI GRAS!
    ABC's of Mardi Gras is a picture book using the alphabet as a way of explaining the many traditions of the Gulf Coast families during this holiday.
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  • 7 Continents
    A blue man travels to different continents, experiencing their cultures and landscapes.
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  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • Do you know where I am from?
    Children from different countries give clues about their countries. Can you guess where they are from? Have fun!
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    This book provides a comprehensive overview of horses, covering their characteristics, habitat, diet, survival, life cycle, and cool facts.
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