Exciting Experiences Books

  • visit to a cricket match
    A 12-year-old's exciting experience watching a cricket match between Bangladesh and India, with his favorite player scoring a century and Bangladesh winning.
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Mysteries at the Mapletown Party)
    'Mysteries at the Mapletown Party' is book #3 in the 'Sisters of Muffin Manor' series. Fun and exciting true stories from a Halloween costume party and the strange happenings…
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  • Traveling is fun
    A young traveler shares their exciting experiences visiting different countries, trying new foods, and exploring famous landmarks.
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  • Our Quarantine Adventures
    Our first grade class wrote about how their lives have changed during the Coronavirus Quarantine.
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  • I Survived Virtual Learning. 2020-2021
    A student reflects on their experience of virtual learning during the pandemic, highlighting challenges, achievements, and appreciation for their teacher.
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  • Exploring in the Jungle
    Grace and Joe go on an adventure in the jungle, encountering tigers, snakes, and a monkey. They have exciting experiences and learn new things.
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  • BubbleGum Planet
    A child's adventure in a spaceship to Bubble Gum Planet, where they encounter a friendly alien and have exciting experiences.
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  • Maya and the Turtle Doves
    Maya, a little girl from London, learns about migration and shares her knowledge with her class, leading to an exciting hands-on experience.
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