Factors Books

  • Courtney as the Greatest Factor
    Madison wakes up and realizes it's her best friend Courtney's birthday. She had forgotten about the surprise party she was planning. Madison races to prepare, using math to f…
  • Abiotic and Biotic Factors
    An informative book that teaches children about biotic and abiotic factors in the environment, their examples, interactions, and impact on ecosystems.
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  • Kiera and Katelyn Learn to Share
    Princess Kiera and her sister Katelyn plan a slumber party, using math to divide treats equally among friends.
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  • Finding My Voice Autism Through My Eyes
    Learn about autism through the eyes of a middle school child who lives with it day to day.
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  • Tundra Tyler
    Tyler the polar bear explores the tundra, learns about different species and factors, and has a life-changing experience.
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  • Are Mommy and daddy Getting Along?
    This informative book discusses the issue of Childhood Exposure to Domestic Violence (CEDV), its definition, prevalence, risk factors, and the needs of victims. It also outli…
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  • Yay! Photosynthesis
    An informative book about photosynthesis, explaining the process, factors affecting it, and its importance to all living beings.
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  • x factor
    Two girls participate in a dance act on X Factor, win, and celebrate. They decide to make it a series.
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